After nearly 30 years, I can still remember my first launch – when I did that first launch, I knew my life would never be the same.
It was a humble start (the sales were less than $2,000), but it was the beginning of a journey that led me to freedom, impact, and fulfillment. That first launch wasn’t just a financial result; it was proof that my ideas had value, that I could build something real from nothing.
It’s been an amazing journey since then, and I’ve now helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs just like you follow this formula to success. They’re from around the world in nearly any niche you can think of – from meditation to tennis, from guitar to sword fighting, from dog training to reading echocardiograms.
Some started from scratch, some already had a business or following… but they’re all building a life of freedom, abundance, and impact.
And they all started right where you are now.
“ TA-DA, we did over $13,000 in sales. Enrolled 44 students. We will do another launch in October. And we are OFF to the races. Who thought watching the sales come in on the last night would be a spectator sport? But it was heaven. All because I enrolled as an Owner of PLF. ”
Let’s be honest… there’s a gazillion courses on building your business. But PLF Is different from every other course on the market:
PLF is the longest-running program in the world for one simple reason: it gets RESULTS. It’s been used by my clients for 19 years to generate over a BILLION dollars in sales in just about any market or niche you can imagine.
After training tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, we know just what you need to build a business you love – and we also know how to teach it. This ALL-NEW version of PLF has been designed from the ground up to get you going fast – so you spend less time watching videos and more time building your business, right from the start of Lesson 1.
It’s not a course – it’s a full-out Coaching Program… you’ll get a FULL YEAR of Coaching Calls (a total of 24 calls). These calls are legendary, and they’ll keep you unstuck and moving forward.™ – our custom AI that’s designed from the ground up to build your launch. Launchy’s been built into the entire course. You learn, Launchy implements… and you’ll be amazing at how fast you can get your launch built.
With the amazing PLF Alumni Community, you are never alone. Success is so much easier when you’re surrounded by others on the same path (or just a few steps ahead).
Ever bought a course or training… only to find out you needed to buy another two or three courses to fill in the gaps? Yeah, that sucks 🤮 With PLF, you get bonus trainings on everything you need to put your new launch knowledge to work. From list building to product creation to getting your tech sorted and far far more… we’ve got you 👊
"I’ve been through every module over the last ten days — it has been like having a book I couldn’t put down; each chapter made me want to move on to the next."
After six long months of work… the brand-new, completely remade PLF is finally ready!
Let’s face it… the world has changed in the last few years.
It’s noisier. It’s more crowded. Competition has increased. And the best-performing launches have evolved…
The rebuilt PLF has all the newest strategies and tactics to cut through the noise and get you launched.
This ALL-NEW version of PLF includes the most up-to-date strategies on how to:
Stand out in an ever-more-crowded online world, create raving fans, and present “shut up and take my money!” offers
Create compelling launch sequences – including exactly what to send and when
How to present your offer (plus the key Open Cart sequences that can literally double your sales in the last few days of your promotion)
Craft a compelling journey for prospects through the Sideways Sales Letter®
Build buzz and anticipation ahead of a launch
Build a launch timeline that works for YOU, your business, and your market
Attract, support, and train Joint Venture (affiliate) partners
Plus, brand new training on how to:
Create a Problem Solution Path that builds trust and buy-in from prospective customers
Design and build your launch funnel (from scratch, or based off a previous campaign)
Craft and deliver an offer your audience can’t wait to buy
Drive traffic to your launch
Design a powerful, simple Seed Launch® to kick off a new offer (or even a new business)
Build and manage your Launch List (so you can separate out your hottest prospects and speak directly to them)
Maximize the Open Cart period and design an effective launch campaign using email, social media, and paid ads
Design your Launch Life® (aka live the dream 🙂)
Debrief a launch (so every launch works better than the one before it)
And… despite everything we’ve added, this new version covers all that ground in 40% less time. That means you spend less time learning, and more time launching (and making sales).
We’ve spent hundreds of hours (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) in this complete makeover (special shoutout and thanks to the two full-time Instructional Design wizards on our team!)
It’s completely awesome, and you’re going to love it!
“ Just hit my first 5-FIGURE MONTH EVER in sales and met a personal income goal that I barely thought was really possible. THANK YOU JEFF! ”
The three primary launches (the Seed Launch®, Internal Launch, and JV Launch) will be your bread-and-butter promotions that will grow your business.
The Seed Launch is perfect if you’re just starting out – it will literally build your first product. And you’ll actually get paid before you even create the product.
The Internal Launch is your go-to launch once you’ve started to build your business. This is literally my favorite launch because it’s such a reliable strategy to bring in a big surge of sales.
And the JV Launch is the one that can literally 10x your sales results by tapping into the power of other people’s audiences. This one’s a more advanced strategy, but when you’re ready for it, the results can be breathtaking.
“ I joined PLF last year. Launched in March of this year. Now I have $4,000 in monthly revenue with low-ticket kids' art membership offers, mostly centered around one live class per week.
The crazy part is I'm teaching just a few hours a week total, and have already replaced my teacher salary with this venture. ”
The big three launches are amazing, but you’ll also have some other launch styles in your business-building quiver…
The Quick Launch is perfect for those times when you don’t want to put together a full launch, but you need to bring in a quick surge of sales in a few days.
And then there’s the Evergreen Launch – this is where you create a system that gives you the awesome power of PLF all year round. As new people come onto your list, they get their own launch… and you continue to make sales throughout the year.
And when you’re ready to go “next level”... the Sparta Launch® is super low-effort and high-return. These are email-based launches that are all about selling very high-priced, small-group workshops or retreats. Sparta Launches are some of the simplest launches – and they’re generally done 100% via email.
And that’s just some of what you’ll master in PLF... I’ve only just scratched the surface here. Inside PLF I’ll show you all nine types of launches – and when to use each of them.
“ I bought PLF in October 2018. I was scrambling to keep my art membership floating on Year 4. My monthly income from it was around US $750 and I was hustling a dead exhausting low-salary job on the side 3 days a week. After I did my first launch, that income more than doubled overnight. ”
Learn the secrets to creating irresistible offers, and you’ll unleash a flood of sales every time you launch
Use the secrets of “positioning” to become the go-to expert in your market (so you can command higher prices and magnetically attract quality clients)
Continually build fascination and anticipation BETWEEN your launches, so that your future clients are eagerly waiting for what’s next
Use the “Launch Echo” to build a scalable business that keeps growing long after your first launch
Know exactly what free content will attract your future buyers (instead of freebie-seekers) – so you’re continually building your audience of ideal prospects
Understand the secrets to creating long-term partnerships that can literally 10x your business
Use the fast track to creating a product your market is hungry for – without spending months or years in development
How the “Launch Parachute” allows you to sidestep that curse of perfection
Get 2-4x the results for the same amount of work by re-using and re-purposing your launch assets
Use Product Launch Formula® to build a business that keeps growing in a healthy, sustainable, lifestyle-friendly way
" With your formula, I generated £13K of sales after the first launch. And now I have a list... and I know I can double or even triple my sales for my next launch. This has created a completely new opportunity for future income and strategies."
This part takes PLF to an entirely different level… and that’s our Live Coaching Calls. These are Deep Dive calls where my expert Launch Coaches get on a call with you and the other PLF Owners… they’ll answer your questions and walk you through all the steps.
You’ll get these calls every other week… FOR A FULL YEAR.
This is where you get your strategy nailed. It’s where we keep you from getting stuck. And frankly, this is where we’re at our best – live, unscripted – and answering everything from newbie questions to ultra-advanced stuff.
Again: we’ve been doing this since 2005. We know our stuff. My Launch Coaches are experts – this is their full-time job, and between them they have 5 decades of experience building launches. We can handle being unscripted and answering whatever you throw our way.
And if you can’t make the calls live… they’re all recorded and available whenever you want them. And we cover so much on these calls that you’re going to want to go back and listen to them again.
And things just got a whole lot easier.™ is our custom generative AI that is a tailor-made fit with Product Launch Formula.
The PLF strategy was always the core skill, but you also needed to have at least a basic grasp of how to write marketing copy, how to script a video, and a bunch of other marketing skills. removes those hurdles.
You don’t have to face the blank page anymore. It’s never been easier to go from idea to launch (and to a successful business) than it is right now.
I’ve been helping people launch since 2005, and I’ve never been this excited about what’s in store for our new (and returning) PLF Owners.
Since the very beginning, I’ve always dreamed of being able to offer a “done-for-you” way to get your launch done… and now that we’ve got Launchy… we’re closer than we’ve ever been.
Launchy has been trained from the ground up to implement Product Launch Formula® with you. It will help you map out your entire launch – from product, to offer, to Prelaunch Content, to Open Cart, and so much more – with just a few clicks.
I could go on and on about how is the ultimate shortcut to your launch… and how it will create each part of your launch. But how about I just show you instead…
“ It really felt like someone was holding my hand, and asking me all of the questions that I so often get stuck on when writing effective copy. With Launchy’s help, I generated over $60,000 with my offer in one week. ”
Only $197today!
Most popular
Just $1997for everything
One thing about the PLF Community: people stick around for years. We have clients that joined us back in 2005 who are still with us. That’s because we continue to support you as your business grows.
And here’s eight amazing bonuses to take you from starting out all the way into a million-dollar business…
This is all about building a list of people who are hungry to buy from you.
This course shows
how to build a list… from scratch… and then build your relationship with the people on that
And make no mistake – once you build it, the value of your list is literally impossible to
– it keeps on making money for you week after week. It might sound cheesy… but having a list is
almost like having a license to print money.
If you don’t have a product yet… this course will teach you how to get one – FAST. Creating
knowledge products is easy, and it’s basically free. You almost surely ALREADY have all the
you need… right on your computer or even your phone.
CRITICAL: having your own product puts you in charge of your business and your
results. When you have your own product to offer to your prospects, then you’ve got control of
The Product Creation Code course will take the mystery out of creating
products… from your first
simple product all the way up to high-priced online courses, membership sites, and even live
seminars and workshops.
If you learn best by example, this bonus is pure gold. My Case Study and Launch Example
gives you access to in-depth case studies from PLF Owners selling all kinds of products in
These go even deeper than the case studies I’ve shown you during this
Masterclass. I walk
copy, webpages, and entire launches to show you what they did right… and where they took a
You also get complete videos and scripts from launches in various markets… along with my
analysis of
what they did well and what they could have improved.
Real-world case studies have been part of the PLF ethos from the start… and, if you want… you’ll
even be eligible to be featured in one of my case studies after you do your launch.
And in this bonus, you get my $7 Million Launch Swipe File – this is copy from
$7 million in
launches that I've done, plus additional copy from some of our PLF Owners' launches. You can use
this “swipe copy” as a starting point for your launch. You never have to wonder where to start
during your launch!
If you wonder about the “tech stuff” this shows you how to get set up with the right technology for your launch. If you’re just starting out and you’re intimidated by the “tech question”… we’ve got you taken care of with this bonus.
This bonus will get you started with an almost-zero-tech style of launch. These launches can work like crazy. If you have any worries about “the tech stuff” in your launch, this style of launch is your new best friend, and this bonus will show you exactly how to do it. This can be your fastest path to launch.
If you’re an author, then this one is all about how to launch your book. And trust me, if you don’t use a launch for your book… you’re not going to sell many copies. If you’re self-publishing, this is how you can sell a bunch of books. And if you’re going the trade-published route, you’ll need this even more – it can even help you land a publisher.
If you’ve ever considered helping other people with their launches… as a Launch Manager, a Launch Consultant, or even a full business partner, then this course will be CRITICAL to your success. I know from personal experience that these partnerships can be SUPER lucrative, but there are some non-obvious things you have to get right if you want to avoid disaster.
This bonus training will show you the most advanced launch techniques. These aren’t for beginners… and if you’re just starting out you shouldn’t even open this one up just yet. But when you’re ready, come back around to this bonus. And even though these are sophisticated strategies, you’ll be surprised at how simple they can be once you’ve gained a little experience.
"I joined PLF wayyy back in 2018. That year, my income was $72,312. In 2019, I did my
first-ever launch: $253,547. In 2020, income increased to $341,696. In 2021 we launched our
first 'high ticket' coaching program and our income increased to $587,212.
What began
as a passion is now a mission and has taken on a life of its own. "
Only $197today!
Most popular
Just $1997for everything
"I'm beyond grateful, love the PLF format, platform, content and am so glad to have enrolled. Thank you for everyone, it's changed my life. "
I’ll keep this simple: your investment is covered by my full iron-clad guarantee.
I know other people make you jump through a bunch of hoops and prove you’ve watched all the videos and done all the homework. That’s not how we roll…
You have a full 14 days… from the start of the course this coming Monday… to see if the program is right for you. If you decide that it isn't, just let us know and we'll gladly refund your money. No hassles.
“ Jeff is totally right when he says that a single launch can lead to a whole business. I never, ever in a million years would have dreamed where that one launch would take me. ”
The people that have had the most success with Product Launch Formula usually fall into a few broad categories…
While you may have seen those big, splashy launches by the big names in your niche, what you probably haven’t noticed is a lot of the “smaller” launches. They might not have been big on social media, but they gave people a start. They put them in business. They launched them into an entirely new lifestyle.
I’m thinking, for instance, of Anne LaFollette. She was nearly 60, working in senior management at a major retailer. One day her boss called her into his office and unceremoniously laid her off. No warning, no reason other than “needing to downsize”.
At her husband’s urging, Anne dove into a long-neglected hobby… art. And she found her way to “surface design”... and she loved it.
Eventually, Anne started teaching surface design online. Then, using Product Launch Formula, she did her first launch. It did $6,450, which was proof that she was on the right path.
Her next launch did $12,589. And then $28,136. And in her first full year online, she did $114,480 in sales. And she didn’t stop there – the business has continued to grow, and it now does around a half million dollars in sales per year.
It’s important to note that Anne started with no experience, no product, no list, no tech knowledge… and she’s now over 60 years old.
Her’s is an extraordinary story… which is why I share it with you. It’s not typical or average, and you can read all the fine print and legal stuff at the bottom of this page.
But here’s what’s important: Anne’s story is one of hundreds of success stories from PLF, and it shows what’s possible. You can see Anne’s full story on the case study page.
So what if you’ve already got an online business… where does a launch fit in?
If this is you (whether your business is thriving or struggling), then PLF is the closest thing to money-in-the-bank that you’ll find.
This is what I mean… you just need to take your current product or offer and relaunch it. To do that, you’ll need to create some type of special offer – the easiest way to do this is by creating an extra bonus or two. Or bundle together a couple of products. Then follow the Sideways Sales Letter® and create an Internal Launch for your list… and you’ll likely have one of the best weeks ever in your business.
And that would be amazing… but it just scratches the surface of what you can do with PLF.
Because every business needs to be launching on the regular. Just think what one or two launches a year – and the big revenue surges – could mean for your bottom line.
And finally… I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Seed Launch®. Some people make the mistake of thinking this is a strategy for newbies. But really it’s the easiest way to create a proven offer and get paid before you do the work. If you’ve ever struggled with product creation, the Seed Launch is the answer.
Or maybe this is you… you’re a coach or some type of practitioner. You've honed your craft, helped your clients and transformed their lives, and witnessed countless breakthroughs in your one-on-one sessions.
But there's a ceiling. There are only so many hours in a day, and let's face it: every practitioner reaches a point where they can't see more clients without sacrificing quality – or sanity.
Enter Product Launch Formula… the perfect marketing to build your income and impact.
With the Seed Launch, you don’t need a fully fleshed-out product or a vast email list. Start with your current client base, get paid upfront, and co-create a product they genuinely need. It's about leveraging what you already have and turning it into something far more scalable.
And here’s the thing… I know that marketing might not be your jam. I get it. The world of marketing can seem daunting, even a little sleazy. But with PLF, you have a strategy that lets you:
You can see this in the case studies… be sure to check out the ones with Zach Tolan, Linda Fitch, Jo and Derek Clark, and Vanessa Marin.
If you’re an influencer… you've worked hard to build your brand, your audience, and your identity. Every post, every video, every engagement has been a brick in building your following.
Yet that carefully built audience rests on shaky ground – one change to the algorithms and your income can be gone overnight. And we don’t even want to think about all the crazy ways (legitimate or otherwise) people have fallen victim to cancel culture.
Now imagine launching an online course, workshop, or membership site, where your followers don't just passively consume, but actively engage, co-create, and evolve with you. This isn't about selling to your followers; it's about deepening the relationship and adding more value. And it’s about creating income and security for your business.
Of course, no one wants to be 'that' influencer – pushing products, sounding salesy, or risking the trust you've cultivated. And with PLF, you don’t have to. Instead, you build value, and with the Seed Launch, you collaborate with your audience to create offers that resonate and enhance your bond.
When I first released Product Launch Formula, I never thought about artists and authors using the formula…
But that’s exactly what happened. I’ve had countless authors use PLF to launch their books – enough so that I created a complete bonus section on Book Launches. The reality is if you aren’t marketing your book, no one is… and a launch is the best way to get that initial group of readers who are going to review your book, and spread the word.
As far as artists – we’ve had artists of almost every type imaginable. And they’ve used PLF both to sell their artwork, as well as selling courses and memberships on how to make art. One of my favorite case studies is with the late Mary Gilkerson, who used PLF to sell out entire collections of her high-end paintings. You should also check out the case studies with Nicholas Wilton, Sabrina Harrison, Emily Jeffords, and Matt Tommey.
One of the fastest paths into this business is by helping others launch THEIR offers.
This is something that I did in my early years, and it can be extremely rewarding, and a true shortcut. You could do this as a Launch Manager, a Launch Consultant, or even a full business partner.
If you’re helping others launch, your return on investment from just Launchy alone is going to be amazing. This is truly an “easy button”.
And if this is the path you’re on, you’ll definitely want to dive into the Launch Partnership bonus course that you get as part of PLF. This training will be a cornerstone of your success... because there are some non-obvious considerations in how you structure these deals. You have to get these details right if you want to get great results (and avoid disasters). And be sure to check out the case study with Max Guidi for an example on how this can work in a big way.
"I used PLF to relaunch a revamped version of my signature program and have completely sold out. My program was so successful that I've already had to run 3 of them this year (and only planned to run TWO in the entire year!!). I already have a waiting list for the next one – I’m blown away. PLF changed my business completely. THANK YOU."
When I pushed the send button on my very first online business on a random Tuesday afternoon in August 1996, I didn’t have any great expectations…
I was a stay-at-home dad, just hoping to make a few extra dollars to help support my family. I couldn't have guessed that pushing that launch button would be the first tiny step in a movement that would lead to thousands of entrepreneurs with home-based businesses doing launches that sold tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars in sales with their launches.
I’m no different than you. I had no special advantages or skills. I just started earlier.
Everyone’s business starts at zero… and that’s where I was.
But I found someone who was ahead of me – a guide. I had to invest to follow that guide… and It was a very big investment for me. But that decision made all the difference. And it paid off far beyond my wildest dreams.
With that investment (and a lot of hard work)… I created a business that gave me the freedom I desired… and made the positive impact in the world that my heart longed for. And since then, I’ve helped a lot of people around the world achieve that same goal.
So if you’re ready to experience all the freedom, income, and security that an online business can provide for you… if you want to do your best work, help people, and make a positive impact… I invite you to make that same decision I made.
I want to invite you to invest in yourself.
The proof is overwhelming. PLF works. And we have NEVER had a version that would do what this one does. Launchy makes it so much easier.
Join me, join my team, join the entire PLF Community… we’re waiting to welcome you to your new home. It’s going to be amazing.
Only $197today!
Most popular
Just $1997for everything
This ALL-NEW version of PLF includes the most up-to-date strategies on:
How to compete and stand out in an ever-more-crowded online world… so you can create raving fans, and present “shut up and take my money!” offers
The latest/best launch sequences – including exactly what to send and when
How to crush it with all the newest Open Cart strategies (so you can literally double your sales in the last few days of your promotion)
Launch timelines that work for YOU, your business, and your market
How to attract, support, and train Joint Venture (affiliate) partners
This new version covers more ground in 40% less time than ever before… because we spent HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in this complete from-the-ground-up makeover.
You’ll get brand new training on how to:
Create a Problem Solution Path that builds trust and buy-in from prospective customers
Design and build your launch funnel (from scratch, or based off a previous campaign)
Craft and deliver an offer your audience can’t wait to buy
Drive traffic to your launch
design a powerful, simple Seed Launch® to kick off a new offer (or even a new business)
Build and manage your Launch List (so you can separate out your hottest prospects and speak directly to them)
Maximize the Open Cart period and design an effective launch campaign using email, social media, and paid ads
Design your Launch Life® (aka live the dream 🙂 )
Debrief a launch (so every launch works better than the one before it)