If You Want To Start Or Grow A Successful Online Business, You Need To LAUNCH

If you’ve ever seen the buildup to a new movie release or the buzz surrounding the release of a new iPhone, you’ve seen a launch in action…

… and I’ve built my business (and practically an entire industry) around showing entrepreneurs like you how to do the same.

It might sound crazy (it certainly would have to me at one point), but you really can use those same sequences and mental triggers to create the same buzz and near-magnetic energy that Apple and Hollywood do.

Thousands of my students have turned their passion into profit, generating over $1 BILLION in sales (and counting!).

Now it’s your turn…

I’ve packed The Launch Guide with some of my best lessons and insights from over 25 years of teaching entrepreneurs how to successfully launch their products, services, and businesses online.

I dive deep into every major question I get asked about launches, including...

  • The simple “Mental Trigger” that QUADRUPLED my sales the first time I used it (you’ll use this the next time you launch)
  • How to create the buzz and excitement of an Apple or Hollywood movie launch… without the million-dollar budget
  • How to launch when you don’t have a big list or huge following (PLUS: how I add tens of thousands of people to my email list every time I launch)
  • - PLUS – a Simple Seed Launch® Walkthrough – how to launch when you don’t even have a product or offer (getting paid before you create something might sound crazy. But you’ll see how natural – and ethical – the Seed Launch makes it)
  • … and much more.


In a world where the minimum criteria to be a pop-up “marketing guru” on social media seems to be shooting a video in front of a fancy car or Airbnb that you rent for the day, Jeff Walker is an online business-building icon. He started his first online business in 1996, and he’s been teaching online marketing since 2003.

In fact, his name “Jeff Walker®” has literally been registered by the U.S. government’s trademark office since 2012 for “advice in the field of business management and marketing”.

Jeff is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the book Launch.

His Product Launch Formula® is the longest running continually updated training for online marketing in the world. Period. Full stop.

It’s a matter of public record that Jeff registered the ProductLaunchFormula.com domain in 2005, and “Product Launch Formula®” has been a registered trademark with the U.S. government since 2009.

Jeff’s list of past clients and students reads like a who’s who of the online entrepreneurial world – including Brendon Burchard, Marie Forleo, Jason Fladlien, Jenna Kutcher, Rich Schefren, Dan Kennedy, Stu McLaren, Ryan Levesque, Kris Carr, Michael Hyatt, and James Wedmore.

In short, we’re pretty sure no living person has been training about online marketing and online business as long as Jeff Walker.

Jeff Walker