How to Launch With AI
See How Makes Launching Your Online Course, Membership Site, or Coaching Program EASIER & FASTER Than Ever Before

Since 2005, over a MILLION people have gone through the Launch Masterclass™… and they’ve used this formula to generate over $1 BILLION in sales (with all kinds of products… and in nearly any niche, country, or language you can imagine).

Now™ has made the formula so much easier and faster to use. Launchy is our custom in-house generative AI. It will help you map out your entire launch – from avatar to product, to offer, to Prelaunch Content, to Open Cart, and so much more – with just a few clicks.

Join me TODAY – Tuesday, August 29th at 4pm ET (New York time) for this exclusive training – and I’ll show you:

  • How to create your entire Launch Sequence (from start to finish) with – without sounding like a robot is writing your emails
  • The deadly launch killers (and which ones AI won’t help you dodge)


Since I published the first version of Product Launch Formula® in 2005, it’s been used to generate over a BILLION dollars in sales.

Here’s the reason… the biggest, most successful companies in the world would never just “release” a product. Apple, Hollywood, and the gaming companies LAUNCH their products… they create a launch sequence that builds desire before their products are even released.

And PLF brings that power to our kind of small and micro businesses. It’s been used by tens of thousands of online entrepreneurs from around the world.

And now, it’s a whole lot easier with

Previously, you always had to be a bit of a “jack-of-all-trades” in this business. The strategy – the formula – was always the core required skill, but you also needed to have at least a basic grasp of how to write marketing copy, how to script a video, and countless other associated skills.

AI removes that barrier almost entirely.

Launchy knows Product Launch Formula inside and out… and we’ve trained it specifically to remove the guesswork from building your launch. Whatever step of your launch plan you’re on, all you have to do is open up Launchy and follow the prompts.

That’s right… no more trial and error trying to create the right prompt – Launchy prompts you with the next correct step in the launch process.

Of course, you’ll still need to apply the Product Launch Formula strategy and your human judgment… but this is the biggest jumpstart you will ever see in getting launched.

Give me an hour of your time on August 29th and I’ll show you how, step-by-step.

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In a world where the minimum criteria to be a pop-up “marketing guru” on social media seems to be shooting a video in front of a fancy car or Airbnb that you rent for the day, Jeff Walker is an online business-building icon. He started his first online business in 1996, and he’s been teaching online marketing since 2003.

In fact, his name “Jeff Walker®” has literally been registered by the U.S. government’s trademark office since 2012 for “advice in the field of business management and marketing”.

Jeff is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the book Launch.

His Product Launch Formula® is the longest-running continually updated training for online marketing in the world. Period. Full stop.

It’s a matter of public record that Jeff registered the domain in 2005, and “Product Launch Formula®” has been a registered trademark with the U.S. government in 2009.

Jeff’s list of past clients and students reads like a who’s who of the online entrepreneurial world – including Brendon Burchard, Marie Forleo, Jason Fladlien, Jenna Kutcher, Rich Schefren, Dan Kennedy, Stu McLaren, Ryan Levesque, Kris Carr, Michael Hyatt, and James Wedmore.

In short, we’re pretty sure no living person has been training about online marketing and online business as long as Jeff Walker.

Jeff Walker
Jeff Walker


When I pushed the send button on my very first online business on a random Tuesday afternoon in August 1996, I didn’t have any great expectations…

I couldn't have guessed that it was the first tiny step in a movement that would lead to thousands of entrepreneurs with home-based businesses doing launches that sold tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars in sales with their launches.

It could happen for you, too.

I’m no different than you. I didn’t have any advantages when I first started. I just started earlier. And I like to say that everyone’s business starts at zero.

But I made it a point to create the kind of business that gave me the freedom I desired… and made the positive impact in the world that my heart longed for. And since then, I’ve helped a lot of people around the world achieve that same goal.